Everybody Loves Raymond Cast Autograph


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Published in: on April 15, 2008 at 4:12 am  Comments (6)  
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6 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog. 🙂 Cheers! Sandra. R.

    • Thanxxx 🙂

  2. Iam mike I live in brazil.have ten years old
    I like of much that´s it tv progamme
    like much

  3. Hi Raymond’s family I like your shows. Raymond you are funny and kind guy. Your wife is cool woman and Marie I am just like you I like to clean and wash the dishes too. Raymond’s mom and dad they should retire to take care of your family and you. you are a man and you can take good care your kids and your wife. Your mom and dad cannot take care your family and you too. They are old people and they could take care them self and your brother Robbert could take care himself. He could live by himself in the house.

  4. Ola Boa Boite !!!!

    Sou fan desse seriado , pois eu assisto em minha tv por assinatura SKY, simplismente tods estao de parabens, ou melhor GOOOOD GOOOD

    Alamo Marino Sao Paulo Brazil

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